Exclusive Artist Review: Rebels In Stereo – “Smear Campaign” LP

Rebels In Stereo is a female-fronted powerhouse quartet hailing from the Chi-Town metro area and exhibits a signature sound that hits the realm of rock, punk and melodic power metal influences. Since 2014, the band has hit the ground running since their inception and has evolved into a supergroup that has garnered an insatiably loyal following and reputation among the industry as a fully, hard working independent unit. And after a few lineup changes and additives, the group embarked on recording their sophomore effort Smear Campaign, a record that showcases the band at the top of their game without any indication of slowing down anytime soon.

Smear Campaign is a punk-driven punch in the face. From melodic verses, gang vocals, an in-your-face rhythm section and furious guitar gains with harmonic melodies to compliment the fury, this record serves up an explosive sensibility that any early 2000s punk fan will resonate with. Opening track “LFG” is the perfect song to set this tone. All of the above mentioned elements are ever present and really foreshadow what’s to come throughout the record’s duration. Meanwhile “Cease & Desist” gives off more of a pop punk aura with a Distillers vibe that meshes together in a way that maintains the band originality, all while delivering that sense of nostalgia that any punk fan will appreciate.

Then we come to the more in-your-face “Silence Is Violence”. This furious number has a Bad Religion and Suicide Machines complex with all the female fronted charm you’d expect from this band. The diligently placed gang vocals are an incredible standout and really set the bar high for today’s more modern punk sensibility all encapsulated by the band’s ability to be meticulous with their execution when it comes to incorporating a much more older school song – all without straying from their signature sound that is made clear since the start of the record’s duration. Seriously, these songs are furious, well paced, driven and leave no stone unturned when it comes to their visionary regarding their approach on the punk genre.

One last notable banger is closing track “Conspiracy Gold”, a song lyrically that does justice to the title. This is another straight punk song with pop punk elements that compliment the rest of the song’s structure. The vocal harmony additives and gang vocals once again tie into the rest of the album and this ending number will easily have you starting the record from the beginning again. Each song is solid, doesn’t overdo themselves and keep the song durations of time more short than most punk bands before any kind of boredom can strike. Each song flows diligently to the next and the production value is top notch, easily paralleling with the performance value that kicks this record into overdrive. If you’re a fan of female fronted punk, there’s no possible way you could go wrong with Smear Campaign. It’ll also easily entice you to do a deeper dive into the entire Rebels In Stero discography. You will not be disappointed.


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